[ⓓ] Taeyong (TY) is growing. He’s doing well.

There are a few faces to Taeyong. Leading “NCT”, “NCT U”, “NCT 127”, he is also active as “SuperM”.

Leader, main dancer, main rapper, sub vocal… Taeyong’s roles in the group are diverse. As well as familiar. Instead, the artist ‘Taeyong’ (TY) is a little foreign.

Let’s divert our attention to that. Taeyong has taken a step as an artist. He published the music he has made through the years with his story melted into the lyrics and beats. Taeyong’s aim is not results or records, but just for someone to grow happier listening to his songs. That is his wish.

The beginning…

“I didn’t even think I’d become a singer. I’ve always liked music but I never connected it with my dream. Looking back, everything is something I’m thankful for.” (Taeyong)

Taeyong was scouted on the streets when he was in his second year of high school. Through SM Rookies, he took his first step into the entertainment world. His dream wasn’t to become a singer in the beginning which led to his trainee life not being easy.

“There were only people who are good at singing and dancing gathered there” he said “Wondering what I could do within that was a big worry of mine.”

And Taeyong’s choice? Practice, practice and practice. The only way was to work as hard as he was given. He stayed at the practice room until dawn.

“My training period was the shortest but I was the oldest then so I felt really rushed. I was uneasy about how I’d get fired if I don’t do well. I knew I wasn’t enough so I couldn’t sleep and worked even harder.”

The moments of frustrations were uncountable. Naturally, it was a competition everyday. Every single day was intense. “It was the first time I’ve experienced that kind of competition. But it was fun.” he said.

“Firstly, I’ve done everything that the company has asked to do. In the process of learning multiple things, I’ve started to feel interested. While thinking ‘Today, I’ll have to do better than that hyung’, I’ve developed a passion and greed.”

Growing Pains

In a short time, he became a star. And the path wasn’t as fancy as he thought. Taeyong admitted “It was a time where I searched for myself.”

“At the time, the feeling of many things suddenly entering my mind was big. As if my brain was overloaded, it was a time where finding myself was so difficult.”

Due to that, the way Taeyong sees the world is diverse. NCT, NCT U, NCT 127, SuperM… the demanded roles can’t be anything but many.

There were confusing days. “Lately, I feel like it’s difficult. As a leader, the things I have to do, there’s also the part where I have to find the compromise point between the members and the company.” he said.

“The members have their own personal problems too and they have worries regarding the team’s direction too. Understanding all that and solving the issues I think it’s a kind of stress with good meaning.”

He has also agonized over himself. There were moments when he wanted to give up too. Taeyong admitted, “I wanted to give up everyday.”

“Looking at myself who was getting darker and darker, I thought ‘should I stop?’. For my career, when I’m in front of the public, I had to be bright all the time. I worked hard to fix that part.”

Good Job!

Taeyong took one step at a time. Rap, dance, singing and producing, he eventually embodied them Like that, his spectrum broadened.

“In the beginning, I’ve been ignored too. I’ve heard sharp feedback too. Thinking back, it was something I needed but at the time it was difficult. I wanted to receive validation.” 

Hard work lead Taeyong to the path of an artist. Currently, the songs are building up in his SoundCloud. “Dark Clouds”, “GTA 1”, “GTA 2”, “Blue” etc. He made “Monroe” with senior EXO’s Baekhyun too. As a musician, he stood out. However, he said with a calm exterior, “Though there might be people who are dissatisfied with it, I’m just getting started.”

“The paths I walked on built up reflecting myself in the mirror/ Learning to love the way that I am/ Even when you can’t understand please hug me tight” (Lyrics from Blue)

Music is freer than ever, More than anything, he came to reflect on himself. “Songs that remind me of myself are made too. Now I’m going to do things that I want without being tied down.” he said. “To be honest, there’s nothing special. (Laughs) I found happiness through music so I started with the thought that I hope everyone can enjoy it together.”

He grew

There are two kinds of artists. The one who is born with talent and believes in their own Feel, and the one who works hard developing their own talent. Taeyong is the latter. Honestly, he has constantly worked on lyrics ans composing until now. He has more than 35 songs that he has personally written.

Even so, he is reminded of the heart that he held when he learnt it for the first time. “I felt the passion again that I felt during trainee days. That time, I practiced like I was possessed. I feel that way now too.” he said.

“With my composer friends, we share our worries about music until the morning. The time that my passion is burning becomes a comfort to me.” One more step, he dreams. “It’s simple. I hope to let the whole world know my voice to the point that upon hearing it, they think ‘So this is Taeyong’s voice.”

“I’m thinking of doing it constantly. Continuously learning and raising my skills. Because (music) is the happiest thing to me. I want to expand my own spectrum.” Even so, he didn’t forget his identity with NCT. He said, “When I make songs, I think about the team a lot.” “I want to make music with the members.”

“If there’s given time to me, I mostly want to use the time on the team. I hope for NCT to do well. NCT 127 is preparing for a new album and we’ll show you cool performances.”

His humble and sincere attitude and his silent diligence. Isn’t this the reason why Taeyong receives love from his fans all over the world? “Starting with this interview, I hope you can see my gradually growing side. I will work harder.”

*Taeyong, you’re growing!/ Taeyong, you’re doing well”

t/n: * growing 자라고 있다 and doing well 잘하고 있다 sound very similar so it’s kind of a wholesome pun/wordplay dispatch kept using throughout the interview 🙂

Source Dispatch

trans by @alientyong