We heard that, not long ago, you received “the best ever” twenty-third birthday event. It was a warm/large present by your fanclub ‘NCTzen’.
Because of performances, I just came back from New York not long ago. I saw the birthday message that was shown on the New York Time Square Nasdaq Screen in real life. Wow, it was a really touching moment.
From seeing you on set today, you seem to like the corners. If you look for Taeyong, it seems like you can always find him in the corner listening to music.
My heart is comfortable if I do so. I think I am more intimate than I actually look like, on the contrary if I want to show something and act, I think I show ‘too much’. (By the way, what music were you listening to?) Let’s see. <Syd’s ‘Shake Em Off’ plays> When I see an album cover that I like, I press the click button. So it usually fits my ears.
In <Daily Sports>, you took the first place in ‘The prettiest male idol from 100 idols’. Did you know about this result?
Of course, it’s something that I’m very grateful for. However, if you look at the votes, all of our members voted for me, that’s how I got first place. (laugh) Because there are many amazing artists, I thought just laugh and it’s going to be over.
Can you honestly tell us what kind of thoughts you have when you look into the mirror in the morning?
(laugh) Originally, I couldn’t look into the mirror properly. I didn’t really look into the mirrors since I was young, I didn’t really know how I looked. So when my trainee life started, when I practiced dancing, I had to consciously keep on looking into the mirror, it was so awkward to the point where I couldn’t look directly, I had to look from the side. Although it’s a lot better these days, I don’t look often. I look at the mirror the most when I brush my teeth? (laugh)
We heard that you usually like to clean up. Do you still clean rooms and do the laundry despite having such a busy schedule?
Yes, even then I really do (chores) every day. Even when I’m sick, I still make sure I hand wash clothes. I think I’m affected by our mothers and cleaners. When we were young, I even cleaned my sister’s room. When it comes to the idea that housework is the end of the day, I can sleep well with this idea.
Can you also draw the picture of 10 years from now?
What do I like after work? I like animals so I would like to raise lizards or learn how to make bread? I have thoughts like these. There are a lot of really unexpected things happening when you get this job. Um… I think ‘We don’t know what people’s jobs will become.’ In the middle of my thirties after ten years, I will probably still want to dance, rap, and make music like I do now. I am good at making something.

Translation (@fy_nct) on Twitter