Categories: INTERVIEWS


NCT 127 Official Book Vol. 4 – Taeyong

I’ve been said by the members that I’m really clean but it wasn’t always like this. I think my lifestyle started changing when I started living in the dorms. When I was younger, my mom would clean for me so I didn’t even know the way to do it properly but since I had to clean up by myself at the dorms I started doing it naturally. I think living like that is why my personality has become like this.

But I actually don’t like arranging things that much. My room is actually a mess (laughs). I’m not the type to clean up obsessively, only to the point where I’d wipe if dust is visible. Especially since the dust in the room is visible when sunlight comes in, I wipe whenever I see it.

I spend a lot of time sitting at the desk because I play games, so due to that, I also spend a lot of time eating there. So I pay more attention to cleaning and wiping my computer desk. Ah, I care a lot if my bed isn’t clean. It’s the most comfortable space and resting place for me so I like it when it’s clean. Maybe it’s because I dye my hair a lot, my hair falls off a lot. So I care even more.

To me, cleaning is a routine that concludes the day. By concluding the day with cleaning, I could sleep comfortably and proceed the day after happily too, so even if it’s tiring, I do it. Lint roller and wet tissues are my essentials. Especially lint rollers! It removes dust so I use it everyday. It’s perfect for removing the hair that falls on the ground, the clothes and the pillows so I really like it and I carry it around all the time. I think I always buy a bulk of lint rollers and wet tissues online at once. There’s a disinfectant wet tissue that I like so I buy it in bulk and carry it everywhere I go.

Something I’ve been obsessed with lately is the deodorizing spray. It doesn’t only get rid of the smell, it also disinfects with a high level of alcohol. It smells really good too so I spray it a lot in my room.

And it’s not a cleaning tool but something else I want right now is a machine that makes the clothes clean while just hanging it to manage the clothes and dust. But there’s no space  in the dorms to put it (laughs)

I used to care about the members’ rooms but it’s okay now. I’m aware that it’s best for the members to be comfortable. But if I have to say it, I want to make Taeil and Haechan’s room cleaner. Both rooms are always a mess (laugh)

Of course, they all have their own standards (laughs) For example, Taeilie hyung’s clothes that he’s worn are stacked up like a hill. But I think I can’t interfere with everything so I’m always just looking at it like “Ah~ I want to clean it up”. Haechannie too, when he comes back from outdoors, he’d just put his clothes and things anywhere and go to sleep.

I want to tell them the way to organize things. The habits we have at 3 years old follow us til we’re 80, so habits like this must be fixed faster! “You have to close the drawers that you opened” I nag a little like this sometimes (laughs)

I have about 8 different kinds of plants in my room. One day, I felt that my room suddenly felt so dark and empty that I thought I needed some green, so I bought this and that, and it became bigger. And I got really close with the florist auntie while I was buying plants. The auntie treats me very well like I’m someone she knows so I ended up going there often and buying this and that a lot. But raising cacti is especially difficult. It’s a plant that doesn’t need to be watered often so I don’t water it too much but then it becomes dry and wilted… I think I don’t have the talent to raise cacti and succulents…

Someday, I want to try raising a big tree. There was a small maple tree in my hometown when I was younger and we raised it for more than ten years, but when my parents moved, we didn’t bring it along. It was a tree that I’ve been looking at since I was young and it was almost like an existence that grew up with me so I wanted to bring it along but we couldn’t because it’s not realistic.

So I’ve thought I would like to try raising a maple tree like that in the future. I really like the fact that it turns green in the summer and red in the autumn too.

I’m learning about plants, what fertilizer to use and how to put soil in it by watching videos or posts. My mom likes to grow plants so I sometimes bring them from my parents’ house too.

Ah, I grow aquatic plants in my fish tank too and it’s easy. To grow water plants, you need to supply carbon dioxide in the water so I bought a machine for it and installed it in the fish tank. There are three big fish in the fish tank. I’ve loved growing plants and animals since I was a kid. I’m the type to get along with plants and animals (laughs)

Q: What’s honestly a frustrating point about sharing a living space?

A: There’s nothing now. Maybe because it was uncomfortable to use the bathroom when we were trainees and lived together with more 10 people? However, there’s a lot of difference in the time I wake up with the other members so I just have to live with the difficulties of living together.

Q:Was there a time where you thought it’s goo to share a living space?

A: The fact that I don’t feel lonely. I feel lonely sometimes but it’s hard to feel that when living together. But it’s not because of specific reasons like we must eat together or what, but it’s when even if I’m eating alone, the sense of presence makes me feel a little more secure. But it’s not like I hate eating alone (laughs)

Q: Warning that you receive from the members the most while living together?

A: I always get said that my game or music volume is too noisy but since I wear earphones lately it’s okay now (laughs) Because I listen to music even when I sleep too so I’ve been told about that a lot

Q: Something you want to tell to one of the members “I hope you could fix this”

A: Haechannie always leaves all the electronics in his room on when he goes out. No matter if it’s the computer, the air purifier or the TV, he just forgets to turn them off.” I’ve been warning him like “Let’s save the electricity bill~ Let’s do it this properly~” (laughs)

Q: Tips for living together?

A: I don’t think living together is difficult enough to need tips. However, I think it would be okay to clean up your own room and live your life properly. When we first started living together, we had some difficulties, but now we can respect each other. I understand a lot more now. For example, I have to think in advance if I shouldn’t do something because one might not like it. It’s something you adapt to each other with after spending so much time with each other.

Q: When are you the most relaxed?

A: I feel the happiest and most stable when I’m making songs. I’m the type of person who works with my friends, and I really like the feeling of doing what I like with people I like in a place I like. I like the feeling that the space is filled with passion. It’s not my main job yet (laughing) but I’m working hard as if it’s my main job. There are about 40 songs that I’ve made over the past 2 years. I made a lot, right?!

JPN > KOR: @commonlaw13

KOR > ENG: @alientyong

In the case of Taeyong

Q1. What’s the scent of your room?


Q2. What’s the color of your toothbrush?


Q3.What’s the color or design of your cup?


Q4. What’s the color or design of your favorite slipper?


Q5. What kind of clothes do you usually wear in your room?

I don’t wear anything

Q6. What’s your favorite breakfast menu in the dorm?

Orange jelly

Q7. What do you usually drink in the dorm?


Q8. What song do you usually listen to before sleeping?

[The Crisis] – Ennio Morricane

Q9. What’s your alarm clock sound?

I don’t usually use it

Q.10 What item can you not sleep without it?

Pillow. I always have one to hug

Q11. What do you usually eat for a midnight snack?

Sweet Potato

Q12. What’s the most important item in your room?

Computer. It’s very important to me that whenever I came home I’ll turn it on first. It’s full of memories.

Q13. What item do you want to add to your room now?


A way of spending a holiday

[20:00 – 05:00] Play game

[05:00 – 15:00] Sleep

[15:00 – 17:00] Eat

[17:00 – 20:00] Listen to music, watch movie


5th floor

Johnny (JN) – In charge of ghosts

Taeyong (TY) – In charge of caring for the fish

Doyoung (DY) – In charge of being the homebody

Haechan (HC) – In charge of being the connection/ link to the 10th floor

The most (___) of the 5th floor?

Q: Who’s the most reliable member?

Everyone – Johnny

HC: He’s tall and his tension is high so his sense of presence is high no matter where he goes

JN: Isn’t that because I’m the tallest (laughs)

TY: We often played together a lot ever since trainee days, but I just feel confident as long as Johny’s around

DY: As expected, it’s because he’s the tallest… It’s a simple reason but it’s really important

Q: Who’s the least organized?

Everyone: Haechan

HC: I personally think I’m pretty good at organizing. I only lost because the other three are too clean

TY: I’m actually not that tidy as well. My room is kind of dizzy.

JN: Yes, yes. Taeyong likes it clean but he has a lot of things

TY: So in the end am I the same as Haechan as well…

Everyone: (laughs)

DY: Maybe it’s because everyone thinks they keep the area around their bed tidy


Q: Member who spends the longest time at the living room?

Everyone  – Doyoung

DY: I see. It’s me. Because I like the TV

TY: Doyoungie is always watching dramas. To be honest, I talk to Doyoungie a lot in the living room

DY: Yeah. If I’m at the living room, Taeyongie hyung will definitely come and talk to me

TY: Like “How’s your lessons going lately?” or “How’s your vocalization?”

JN: Taeyongie is in his room a lot, right?

TY: I play games in the room. Because once I start, I’d play for 6-7 hours, to the point where someone would ask “Is he a professional gamer?”

DY: It’s not like anyone’s making him to do it too (laughs)

HC: I like games too but there are days where I play and days where I don’t but Taeyongie hyung is always playing (laughs)

Q: Member with the most things inside the fridge?

JN/DY/HC – Taeyong

TY – Doyoung

HC: Taeyongie hyung really likes drinking coffee so he’s always buying drinks and coffees in bulks from cafes and storing them in the fridge

TY: Because it’s troublesome to go to the cafe (laughs)

HC: However, Johnny hyung has the least things I think?

DY: I don’t put anything in the frigde as well

TY: Ah but still there was one time Johnny put a lot of chicken breast in the fridge

JN: Ah right. When I was exercising

TY: There were so much that the dorm auntie was troubled (laughs)

Q: Member that buys snacks the most?

Everyone – Taeyong

DY: He eats snacks more than actual meals. Like he fills his stomach with snacks?

TY: Since I go to the cafes a lot, I often eat cafe food or things like sweet potato. I really like cookies or chocolates.

Q: Member with the most parcels delivered to the dorm?

Everyone – Taeyong

DY: Is this interview aimed for Taeyong? (laughs)

JN: It seems so

HC: It’s all ‘Taeyong’

Everyone – (laughs)

DY: Taeyongie hyung is really interested in fashion so he buys a lot of shoes or clothes

HC: Taeyongie hyung is raising fish so he buys a lot of things related to that as well

TY: It’s a convenient world. Once I wake up, I’m buying things on the internet

Q: The noisiest member?

Everyone – None. There’s no member who’s the noisiest

TY: Everyone’s noisy (laughs)

DY: It’s quiet when we’re all in our own rooms but when we’re eating together, we talk a lo so it gets noisy

TY: Doyoung-ah, your answer is too serious

DY: Ah, right (laughs) Then Taeyongie hyung is the noisiest!

TY: (laughs)

DY: The sound of the game is no joke

HC: We’d get surprised wondering what happened (laughs)

TY: So I wear earphones properly (when gaming) now (laughs) Don’t I nag the most as well?

DY: Not really

TY: Really?

HC: Ah, but with the dorm-related stuff, Taeyongie hyung nags the most. Like asking me to close the drawers properly

TY: Because he keeps everything opened

DY: Everyone knows when Haechan changes his clothes, because he leaves everything opened (laughs)

HC: But even so, thanks to them, I’ve fixed this. Lately, I close them properly.

TY: I’m actually always the one turning off aircon in Haechannie’s room

DY: He always leaves the windows opened too

TY: Doyoungie’s room is the same too

DY: Huh? Aircon?

TY: Yeah!

DY: I leave it on because I was going to go straight back to my room (laughs)

TY: Ah, really? Sorry, sorry (laughs)

Q: Who takes the longest to shower?

Everyone – Taeyong

JN: Taeyong again?

Everyone (laughs)

TY: No but, it’s true I shower for a really long time but the other members take too little time too.

DY: That’s true too

TY: Everyone’s really fast but Doyoungie is especially the fastest

JN: Doyoungie is really fast

HC: To the point that it’s suspicious

JN: Doyoungie’s shower time ends before a song even ends. It’s not even 5 minutes.

DY: No no, that’s in the past. I’m not like that lately. Because I thought I had to shower faster during my trainee days

JN: You’re the same after debut

HC: BUT he’s a clean and hygienic person

TY: I’m not sure why I take such a long time too

JN: Because you’re doing this and that in the bathroom

TY: I guess so. I do my laundry too (laughs) On days when I have lots of laundry, it could take more than 30 minutes. Though the dorm auntie does our laundry too, but I like washing my clothes directly so I usually do my own laundry. It feels like I’m concluding the day like this. To the point that I buy the detergent from the shopping mall directly, comparing this brand and that brand.

Q: Member who wakes up the latest?

Everyone – Taeyong

DY: Taeyongie hyung is a night owl. He’s active at night and sleeps after 12am

TY: To the point that I usually am sleeping at this time (2pm) (laughs)

JN: On the other hand, I’m good at waking up early in the morning. I hate waking up late and starting the day late.

TY: Yeah yeah. Johnny works really hard to be a morning person

JN: Even when I sleep late, I want to wake up early!

Q: Member who watches the TV the most?

Everyone – Haechan

TY: Recently the one who watches a lot is Haechan

JN: Yeah

HC: Recently we’ve placed a TV in my room so I’ve been watching dramas a lot

DY: I watch TV often too but Haechannie has been watching a lot too

TY: Anything TV-related, Doyoungie and Haechannie are the two tops

Q: Member who cares about interior the most?

Everyone – Doyoung

JN: Even so, his room isn’t that cute (laughs)

Everyone: (laughs)

DY: No, the fans said it’s cool!

TY: It feels empty

DY: I’m aiming for a minimalist lifestyle so there aren’t a lot of things

TY: See, then it’s empty. There are so little things that you’d think “Is something up?”

DY: No, what should I say. I hate having things at spots where I can see, so I hide them in spaces that I can’t see

JN: It feels like an interior shop showroom

DY: Isn’t it actually cute, my room?

Q: While sharing a living space, do you have your own role?

DY: I’m in charge of telling the members “Let’s eat breakfast”

TY: It’s a really unknown role (laughs)

DY: It’s because I want to give a fun answer (laughs)

TY: Then why don’t you ask me to eat breakfast?

DY: You don’t even eat breakfast. You’re not even awake

TY: (laughs)

DY: Ah fine fine. Then I’ll change my answer. My role is the lazy/relaxed person

Everyone: (laughs)

DY: Especially when Taeyongie hyung comes back from outdoors and calls out “Lazy/Relaxed person~” (*kinda like someone with a lot of free time)

TY: Lately I’m having fun teasing Doyoungie (laughs)

DY: It’s because I’m always laying on the sofa at home

TY: You’re not a lazy/relaxed person, isn’t there a better word?

JN: Homebody

TY: Ah yes. Homebody. Doyoungie is in charge of being the homebody (laughs)

TY: I’m in charge of the fish. I’ve shown myself raising the fish on Johnny’s channel JCC. After that, I’ve been in charge of taking care of the fish.

JN: I’m in charge of being the ghost. It’s like I’m there but it’s also like I’m not there (laughs)

HC: I’m in charge of being the connection/link with the members staying above (10th floor) 

JN: What’s your connection tool?

HC: Samgyeopsal

Everyone: (laughs)


Q: When doing something, how do you decide who goes first?

TY: I don’t think there’s a fixed order on who goes first

DY: Even for using the bathroom, since we have two bathrooms, Johnny and Haechannie share one and Taeyongie hyung and I share the other one, so whoever wants to use it first can just use it first. There’s no particular order, we just say “I’m going in first~” and use it


Q: There must be rules while sharing a living space. Let us know the ones you can think of

TY: Close your drawers properly!

HC: (laughs)

DY: Keep the boiler temperature the same

Everyone: (laughs)

TY: If someone raises the temperature, there would be someone lowering the temperature

DY: Even when it’s the same temperature setting, there’s a difference in each of the rooms. So, when Taeyongie hyung raises the temperature, I’d lower it after a short while. And that keeps happening back and forth (laughs)

JN: Because of it Haechan and I… (thinking of a Korean idiom)

TY: (An idiom which means because of someone else’s fight it affects the others too)

HC:Even so, Johnny and my room is alright

TY: These two really like it when it’s cold

HC: I get hot easily. Johnny hyung too right?

JN: I don’t get hot easily. It’s just to match you

HC: How kind~!

Q: Is there a new rule you want to set?

TY: I actually want to organize all the things in the living room

DY: Should we clean the living room together?

TY: The luggages are just there and I don’t even know where we should start from. It might be good to set a rule once a month to throw away things you don’t use

DY/JN: Yeap yeap (nods)

HC: It’s a good tule to get cleaner

TY: I think it might be fun

DY: Let’s call it the Big Cleaning Day

Q: A funny episode that happened in the dorms recently

DY: It’s actually this morning. This morning, I woke up and was going out, once I opened the door, there’s a Malatang placed in front of the door

Everyone: (laughs)

DY: It’s the food delivery Taeyongie hyung who slept later than everyone ordered

HC: You ordered it at night and just went to sleep, right?

TY: It’s become very cold (laughs) I was really shocked too. I really wanted to eat it before sleeping and work hard the next day so I ordered it but I just fell asleep like that. I might be today’s best TMI

Q: Are there any mysterious things that happened at the dorms recently?

TY: When I’m home alone, there are times when I’d hear weird noises. Especially from the fridge side, so I’d do and check if it’s any of the 3 of them.

JN: Isn’t it me? Since I’m the ghost representative

Everyone: (laughs)

TY: It’s not like the sound of the door but it’s like a person. I wondered if it was the wind, but I’ve experienced it a few times, so it’s a little mysterious

Q: What’s the most delicious food you’ve had recently?

DY: I think soy sauce egg made by the dorm auntie is the best. You’ve all tried it, haven’t you?

The rest: No, I’ve never tried it

DY: Huh? Am I the only one who ate it (laughs) I really want you to try it

JN: I had the boiling crab last time. It was really good

HC: That was delicious

TY: I tried it in Los Angeles and it was so delicious that I thought I wanted to eat it with the members so I asked for it. It was really fun to put plastic on the table and rip it off with my hands and eat it wildly!


jpn > krn: @flyingDDBG

krn > eng: @alientyong


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